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programmable mechanical counter-pressure compression garments -> IEVA spacesuits for the next generation of space research, commercialization, and exploration Spacesuits: We need intravehicular and extravehicular activity suits to work with astronauts, not against them. Opensuit has developed a patent pending programmable metamaterial that enables the production of a skin-tight spacesuit (mechanical counterpressure suit) from a 3D scan of an astronaut's body. The entire compression garment can be highly-locally tuned to provide counterpressure for maximum mobility, and 3D printed in one piece. This opens the door to single operator don/doff suits with a 20% O2 atmosphere, eliminating the need for a 2-hour de/repressurization protocol. An astronaut's spacesuit should be comparable in simplicity to a firefighter's turnout and SCBA equipment. Medical Compression Garments: Chronic edema affects 20% of older adults in the United States, and often complicates recovery for millions, especially those treated for cancer. Traditional compression garments do not meet the needs of all patients, particularly those with severe or asymmetric swelling. Opensuit introduces a breakthrough with custom-fit, inelastic compression garments, crafted using our 3D-printed metamaterial. Each garment is precisely tailored to individual body shapes, making them easier to use and more comfortable, significantly shortening recovery times for patients dealing with chronic conditions. Recent Weekly Updates: updates weekly on Friday September w2 2024: This week we focused on modernizing a lot of our oldest code in advance of coupon material testing: - naive mesh surface offsets with reconstruction -> surface-aware and cleaner surfaces - torus scaling systems left over from using blender's physics engine -> easier-to-follow and updated systems based on our new packing algorithm - imprecise and fussy closure generation -> closures that can handle literally any geometry - linear 'spray and pray' link density search -> binary search algorithm that efficiently maximizes link density / contact patches over the entire mesh. In doing this modernization, we also uncovered some systems that we suspect have contributed to past simulation instability issues. We pushed our reprint of the stocking back to next week in light of these changes. September w1 2024: This week was a scramble on the ACVD implementation for production. There's more work to be done to optimize it, but it's currently yielding denser meshes with more regular structures, which we think will be stronger (think brick interlacing). We are targeting next week for a reprint of the chainmesh. We also met with some existing 3d printed orthotics providers, it was helpful to learn more about companies working on similar problems, albeit with different end goals (mostly custom prosthetic sockets and insoles). We are also thinking about restructuring our cloud orchestration - containers are great, but can be rate limiting in our design->implement->test loops, given their lack of interactivity. we are working on a different solution that will give us the same batch processing capability, but with more interactivity and flexibility. August w5 2024: Since I started this project, our largest bottleneck on material performance has been a weighted centroidal voronoi diagram algorithm that works on arbitrary meshes. We relied on an algorithm developed several years ago for a long time, but it has been incredibly memory-hungry and slow. This week, we found a far-improved replacement (ACVD), which has almost completely replaced the old one at this point. Its speed and resource efficiency means we can now use gradient decent to optimize our voronoi meshings, rather than a montecarlo-based method. We also took care of some legal and FDA related work. August w4 2024: We got our first limb-scale linkmesh back this week! It fits June's right leg as a stocking up to the knee - there's a lot to learn from it, but in general it's incredibly satisfying to have a physical garment that is manufactured the same way that I (OZ) first dreamt of about 6 years ago. Outside of this accomplishment, we were mostly heads down on the FDA Q-sub. Show/Hide Extended History (Now -> September 2022) Work: Are you wildly persistent and spatially intuitive? Are you driven to create a future of space that serves the people of earth? Does keeping the immense biological complexity of humans healthy in the most extreme environment humanity has ever faced feel like a compelling problem to you? We are building a new future for crewed space infrastructure. We aren't hiring right now, but I'd love to meet you. Send me a note about what you're cooking at o [at] opensuit [dot] space, or call me when I'm on a walk.
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